Friday, February 14, 2025
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UK politics

Jobs For The Girls… The Toxic Legacy Of Dame Cressida Dick And Her Connections To Sex Fiend Ghislaine Maxwell

Just as the toxic culture of sexual abuse at the Metropolitan Police is highlighted, we again remind that it was a female one-time school chum of noxious nonce Ghislaine Maxwell, Dame Cressida Dick, who presided over this rotten organisation for much of this period.

‘Dirty Harry’ Helps ‘Bury Bad News’ – Shocking Jo Moore 9/11 Tactics Follow #HarryTheInterview

As the world media focus on ‘Dirty Harry’s’ disgraceful interviews, Westminster seizes an opportunity to “bury bad news” about MPs outrageous outside earnings and most especially Theresa May’s £2.5 million pay topup since the last election.

From Loser To Lord – Should Shameless Shaun Bailey Be Elevated To House of Lords?

Though Tory twerp Shaun Bailey got away with partying with billionaire Nick Candy during the 2020 lockdowns, that this ludicrous loser and electoral disaster area might now get a seat in the House of Lords courtesy of his chum Boris Johnson is utterly outrageous.

Moron of the Moment 2022 – Twittering Twerp Diane Abbott MP

That motormouthed MP Diane Abbott took to Twitter to defend a migrant rapist simply shows her as an utter twerp; perhaps, instead, she should focus on controlling her own son – a brat who likes to go around exposing himself – instead first.

Dopey Dent Coad Ditched – Kensington Labour Rejects Emma Dent Coad

Matthew Steeples suggests mouthy ex-MP Emma Dent Coad’s latest moan about how Labour have rejected her as a future candidate show her for what she is; a sore loser and a far-left hectoring harridan.

Wally of the Week – The Rt. Hon. Liz Truss MP

That Liz Truss appointed an adviser who’d previously worked for the mate of paedophiles Prince Andrew sums up her complete lack of sense and good judgment.

Morons of the Moment 2022 – Despicable Just Stop Oil Vandals

The Just Stop Oil ‘protestors’ who attacked a Van Gogh yesterday should be branded as what they truly are: Moronic vandals; that their organisation is funded by a member of the Getty family is even more outrageous.

Loopy Liz Panned By Poem – Liz Truss Poetry

As Liz Truss continues to gain the support of further Tory members, her supporters make a fool of her in verse in penning poetry referencing her as ‘Bizzy Lizzy’ and ‘Thatcher Mach 3.’

Bankrupt BJ – Shame On PM For Taking PJs

It is an outrage that BJ enjoyer Boris Johnson flew from Cornwall to London in a government private jet after a holiday with his family at a time when there are now more food banks than McDonald’s outlets in bankrupt Britain.

Moron of the Moment 2022 – Michael Fabricant MP

That bleached blonde bisexual bore Michael Fabricant MP thinks it funny to make jokes about a Tory colleague accused of rape shows that he is nothing but a deranged, dimwitted dunce.

The New Porn Parish Of RBKC – “Explicit Gay Porn” Actor Lloyd North Becomes Conservative Councillor

EXCLUSIVE – Matthew Steeples suggests the biggest story about last night’s local elections has been missed – the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea now has a one-time “explicit gay porn” actor as a councillor, whether he is into “tractor porn” like ex-MP Neil Parish is unknown but today we condemn also his decision to share imagery of knives .

Campden Conservative Convict – Anna-Maria Galojan

That Conservatives in the Campden Ward of Kensington have appointed an ex-convict and ‘Playboy’ cover girl named Anna-Maria Galojan to their committee reflects what can only be termed a modern-day rotten borough.

Moron of the Moment 2022 – Owen Jones

After being called out for bullying colleagues and showing a lack of professionalism, it is time for rent-a-gob Owen Jones to finally just pack it in; even tennis legend Martina Navratilova has weighed in to brand this maggot not a man “truly despicable.”

P**s & Orf – Shame On P&O and Shame On Natalie Elphicke MP

As P&O is rightly slammed for its reprehensible Zoom sacking, ‘The Steeple Times’ interviews a sacked employee and joins those shouting “shame on you” at pain-in-the arse Natalie Elphicke MP.

Review – Bloody Difficult Women

Matthew Steeples reviews ‘Bloody Difficult Women’ – a play about Brexit, Theresa May, Gina Miller and struggle and sacrifice– and finds it relevant as we face the ongoing fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the EU and as Putin’s tanks roll into Ukraine.

Emperor Misinformation – “Let Them Eat Cheese”

Nikolay Kalinin on Boris Johnson’s refusal to apologise for the slur on Sir Keir Starmer about the paedophile Sir Jimmy Savile and his “let them eat cheese” attitude towards the public.

Word of the Week 2022 – Psittacism & Partygate

‘Psittacism’ is a word that perfectly sums up Boris Johnson’s government spineless repetitions telling the public to wait for the conclusions of the Met Police’s investigation into ‘Partygate.’

Carrie NOT On Regardless – Is The PM’s Wife About To Be Thrown Under The Bus?

Is overindulged prig Carrie Johnson about to be thrown under the bus along with her Abba loving groupies Henry Newman and Josh Grimstone? Is this the end of the road for ‘Carrie On Regardless’?

Who Exactly Does The Metropolitan Police Work For, Ma’am?

Led By Donkeys does it again with a “Who Exactly Does The Metropolitan Police Work For, Ma’am?” video meme that suggests Dame Cressida Dick works for Downing Street rather than British citizens.