Sunday, February 16, 2025


Wally of the Week – Stella Creasy MP

Labour loudmouth Stella Creasy MP proves herself to be nothing but a petulant pain in the arse in moaning about not being able to breastfeed her brat in the House of Commons.

Maxed-Out Murky Meg

Maxed-out Duchess of Sussex provides proof that greed ain’t really that good and in telling “untruths” about THAT letter illustrates how warped her moral compass truly is.

Time Out MeGain

‘Time’ magazine’s decision to make ‘Cringe’ and ‘Ginge’ (AKA the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) their poster children is quite beyond cringeworthy.

Who is Josh Grimstone?

As painfully pushy PM’s wife Carrie Johnson comes under fire again, we examine the background of another of her ‘court’ members, SpAd Josh Grimstone.

Bringing Beecher To Book

Nikolay Kalinin urges readers to support journalist and screenwriter Peter Jukes’ crowdfunder as he commences legal action against mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s moronic mouthpiece Jay Beecher.

Wally of the Week 2021 – Mandy Selhurst

Roundabout ranter Mandy Selhurst plainly has nothing better to do than to moan about wildflowers others would find wonderful; here is a traffic twerp with too much time on her hands.

Who REALLY is Henry Newman?

Whilst only a few newspapers have delved into his political past, we today ask: “Who REALLY is the bestie of Carrie Symonds and alleged ‘Chatty Rat’ Henry Newman?”

Courting Expletives

Extraordinary official civil judgment from the County Court at Manchester packed with expletives sums up the state of the nation; one is simply left wondering if potty mouthed Emma Rivers was trained by the creosoted napkin slapper Dawn Ward.

Mucky Maxwell & Meddling Madeley

EXCLUSIVE – Meddling Richard Madeley is an apologist for Ghislaine Maxwell suggests ‘The Steeple Times’ whilst his wife, of course, was criticised for her views on sexual abusers in 2014.

Website of the Week – Yankee Wally

Sadie Quinlan’s ‘Yankee Wally’ YouTube channel where she “plays by the rules” whilst exposing what she views to be the nefarious activities of the Duchess of Sussex is a must watch.

The Failings of Fakery

Volkswagen joins those condemned for spreading fakery after we called out PR peddling pillock Ivy Holt for her stupendously stupid stunt whilst we celebrate five moments of true comedy.

Prince (Not So) Private Strikes Again

Prince Harry’s decision to contribute a foreword to a book speaks volumes about him being nothing but an opportunist and hypocrite; meanwhile elsewhere his copycat wife is condemned as a fashion faux.

Cash & Rocket & Trafficking 2021

As alleged underage girl trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s brother bigs her up to the American media, Julie Brangstrup, the woman who organised the 2019 Cash & Rocket car rally the mucky madam joined in on unbelievably announces she’s fundraising for trafficked women.

The MeGain & Randy Show

It’s time for the ‘MeGain & Randy Show’… As dopey dipstick Diane Abbott MP sticks her gumboots into the fallout of the Duchess of Sussex’s car crash interview, the scandalous Prince Andrew should again be called to answer questions.

Costly Carrie

The extravagance of Carrie Symonds plainly knows no bounds; what ‘Costly Carrie’ wants, cost unconscious puppet mistress Carrie gets.

Mystery Meg

‘Daily Star’ hilariously mocks the Duchess of Sussex and in doing so turns her into ‘Mystery Meg’ Yesterday, the Daily Mail’s Richard Eden tweeted to share the best of the coverage of the former Meghan...

Heroine of the Hour 2021 – Pauline Bridge

82-year-old granny Pauline Bridge gets up at 5am daily to deliver newspapers on her bicycle; she’s quite the contrast to bicycling pensioner and funeral crasher Theresa Doyle.

Post-Pandemic Pillock Alexa Chung

Fashion fruitcake Alexa Chung arrogantly announces that she has no interest in anything other than “endless parties” in “post-pandemic” times.