Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monster of the Moment 2023 – Twittering Troll Alex Belfield

As former BBC host Alex Belfield is forced to apologise to the BBC host Jeremy Vine, we call out this reprehensible ratbag for his raging rant against the victim of rape-murder at the home of Michael Barrymore, Stuart Lubbock

It’s not surprising that the BBC Radio 2 and Channel Five host Jeremy Vine got an “apology” – admittedly one forced out of an already jailed degenerate Twitter troll of epic proportions named Alex Belfield – yesterday. Frankly, Vine deserved far more and frankly, Belfield has now again been shown simply to be someone whom the stocks are too good for.


Cowardly stalker Bellfield – who used to tour the country spouting utter baloney with his would-do-anything-for-a-dime sidekick Katie Hopkins – was convicted in September 2022 and sentenced to 5 years and 26 weeks in prison for “subjecting his victims to an avalanche of hatred.”


At sentencing, this reprehensible piece of rubbish was told by Mr Justice Saini: “This was not traditional stalking, but your methods were just as effective a way of intimidating victims and in many ways much harder to deal with.”


Belfield – whose tactics included publishing Vine’s friends and associates telephone numbers online and falsely claiming the presenter had been “dishonest” over a memorial for another radio executive, John Myers – will now likely never return to the respectable spheres, but it was another video shared with The Steeple Times that has truly outraged this morning.


Sent to us by the people behind the Screwed Politics YouTube channel, this particular 6:13-minute clip features ‘Bellend’ poisonously pontificating about the 31st March 2001 rape and murder of father-of-two Stuart Lubbock at the Roydon, Essex bungalow then owned by the disgraced television host Michael Barrymore – a weird and warped individual who filmed himself throwing himself in a bin back in January.


The noxious nonsense spouted by Alex Belfield is worth transcribing for only one reason and that is to highlight it and him for what it truly is – toxic trash. We share it below with annotations in italics correcting the very many factual inaccuracies and lies told by the proven criminal Belfield.


Insulting the since deceased father of the victim, Belfield began:


“Lubbock’s father is obsessed [no, he was simply a grieving father who tried but did not get justice for the rape and murder of his son before he died]… Here’s the reality: His son went to a club which happened to be a gay club. His son drank with a load of gay guys [the group of 9 individuals that met at the Millennium Club that night and went back to Barrymore’s bungalow included several females also].”


“His son chose to go back by his own choice in a car to Michael Barrymore’s house – who was openly gay at that point and he chose to go in the swimming pool surrounded by gay guys [factually incorrect, it remains unknown how Mr Lubbock entered that pool] and he also chose to be at a party where cocaine was taken and alcohol was being drunk.”


“Stuart Lubbock put himself in that situation [incorrect, he went to a party, he did not likely wish himself raped and murdered]… We have to conclude that Stuart Lubbock was gay [not proven] and that he wanted to be there.”


“Lubbock was gay [not proven, he was a father of two known for having had heterosexual relationships] and he wanted to be there… We have to conclude that Stuart Lubbock was gay and wanted to be there.”


“The most depressing thing about this story is that Stuart Lubbock’s father, Terry Lubbock, refuses to accept that his son was gay [no, the most depressing thing about this story is that a father of two was raped and murdered at a party attended by 9 people and 8 of them lived and 8 of them failed to tell the truth]. This has to be the backbone of this story and the reason there is so much venom on Terry Lubbock’s side. I beg of you: Accept your son was gay. He chose to go to a gay club. He chose to go in the car. He chose to go back to the house of a gay man who was serving cocaine and alcohol [he did not, however, we suggest chose to be raped and murdered].”


Turning to self-serving Barrymore fleeing the scene before the police arrived, Belfield prattled:


“Michael Barrymore was not running from the truth. He was protecting himself from a PR disaster [the actions of someone completely free of any association with what had occurred at a property he then owned?]… The fire is being fueled by Stuart Lubbock’s dad.”


Going further this delusional dunce added:


“I beg of Stuart Lubbock’s dad one thing: Please grieve for your son. Please get help and counselling over the death of your son, but please accept one thing – that Stuart Lubbock was gay [how on earth would Belfield know either way?].”


“He was not forced into a car. He was not made to go to a gay club. He was not pulled into a pool [he did end up raped and murdered by at least two of those present and yet Belfield ignores that very important fact]. He was not forced to take drugs or drink alcohol [again unproven]. He chose to do all of those things [again incorrect, Stuart Lubbock most certainly would not have wished to have been raped and murdered].”


Most graphically and most disgustingly, Belfield then turned to the horrific and gruesome injuries sustained by the victim of rape and murder at the home of Michael Barrymore and sickly stated:


“We don’t know that he was forced to take something in his anus that was large. He could have liked taking something. He could chose [sic] to or he may have liked taking something in his backside that caused him such horrific injuries. This wasn’t a rape victim [totally unproven and totally outrageous, sickening and wrong, shame on Belfield].”


Turning back to Barrymore, whom the hopefully never to be seen again on the BBC or elsewhere Belfield clearly liked toadying upto, this clearly equally of unsound mind lunatic shared:


“Please leave this tortured man [Barrymore] alone… Leave Michael Barrymore alone [Barrymore received a sum said to be £60,000 for an interview about the rape-murder when he was interviewed by Piers Morgan]. This is tittle-tattle TV to get ratings and Twitter reaction and social media chit-chat at the expense of a man who is undoubtedly mentally ill and abused by this story and it is blown up every time by Stuart Lubbock’s father.”


“You have seen the tweets. This is not a wild accusation. This is what he does on his Twitter and it is uncalled for. It’s unedifying and it’s unnecessary. Leave Michael Barrymore alone… Stop this. This is a witch hunt. It’s disgusting.”


In conclusion, today, we respond for the sane majority; the only “witch hunt” that was “unedifying” and “disgusting” that was orchestrated on Twitter was orchestrated by a vomit inducing piece of vileness named Alex Belfield. Jeremy Vine and others have rightly been vindicated in calling out this cretinous creep and now we again remind Michael Barrymore and his cohorts of what they need to do: Man-up and tell the truth about what you all know what occurred on 31st March 2001.


Editor’s note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples.


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Justice for Stuart Lubbock – The people who need to man-up and tell the truth about what happened at Michael Barrymore’s home on 31st March 2001

Michael Parker (AKA Michael Barrymore) – Allegedly loudly said: “I need a f**k” in a taxi as he left the Millennium Nightclub to return to his home, the scene of the death of Stuart Lubbock. Barrymore later lied to a coroner’s court about facilitating drug taking at his house on the night in question also.


Barrymore claimed to have been first to have discovered the body of Stuart Lubbock at 5.45am, called his manager Mike Brown before the ambulance arrived and then left the premises. He admits that was “wrong” and also bizarrely told Piers Morgan that in spite of “knowing others were hiding secrets about what happened to Mr. Lubbock” that “I am not going to say their names. I just hope they are brave enough to come forward one day.”


Mike Brown – Agent of Michael Barrymore. Called to the property before emergency services arrived.


Kelly Campbell – Had met Michael Barrymore for the first time on the night of the incident. Claimed not to have been aware of what happened.


James Futters (sometimes spelt ‘Futers’) – A paper boy turned chef. Described as “a local from the village” and a “friend and neighbour of Barrymore.” Claimed to have been the first to discover the body with Simon Shaw and stated: “[It was not] Michael Barrymore and not Jonathan Kenney [who found him].” Later, of him the Evening Standard reported: “Barrymore offered James Futters a white powder on his finger saying: ‘Do you want to try this?’ Mr Futters told the inquest that he leaned forward and licked the powder.”


Claire Jones – Then aged 17. Had met Michael Barrymore for the first time on the night of the incident. Claimed not to have been aware of what happened but told the police that she “saw Barrymore rummaging through drawers and changing his clothes before police arrived. When he left the house, he had a ‘bundle of material’ under his arm,” according to the Evening Standard. “She added: ‘Jonathan (Kenney) was rushing through the bungalow before the ambulance and police arrived. I got the impression he was hiding something.’”


Jonathan Kenney – Estate agent, drag queen and Michael Barrymore’s then lover; later arrested on suspicion of murder but never charged; known for having a “record of violence.” Claimed to have been the first to have discovered the body and is now in his 50s. He has variously lived, supposedly, in Blackpool and Cheshire and has worked as a coach driver also.


Justin Merritt – A dustman from Essex. Later arrested on suspicion of murder but never charged. Later paid £30,000 by the News of the World for an interview in which he stated Barrymore had “rubbed cocaine on Stuart Lubbock’s lips shortly before he died.”


Kylie Merritt – Sister of Justin Merritt. She also alleged Barrymore “rubbed cocaine on Stuart Lubbock’s lips shortly before he died” (curiously in the wake of her brother selling his account of the night).


Simon Shaw – Described as “a local from the village.” Michael Barrymore supposedly “ran off” to Mr. Shaw’s house to “buy himself thinking time [for two hours] before he was questioned by the police [at 7.49am].”


In addition, others, who’ve never been identified could also have possibly been present. If they were, they should come forward or be named by those listed above.


The disgraced entertainer Michael Barrymore pictured ‘worshiping’ Sir Jimmy Savile in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house in January 2006. Of the late paedophile, at the time, the self-centred ex ‘Strike It Lucky’ host disgustingly declared: “When he came in I was blown away because it’s him and he never lets you down. I didn’t think seeing Jim and hearing Jim talking and being so personal and kind to me. I started to well up in there and thought here we go.”
The scene of the rape and murder of Stuart Lubbock on 31st March 2001: Michael Barrymore’s then home, 4 Beaumont Park Drive, Roydon, Harlow, Essex, CM19 5HB. The property was most recently sold for £1.33 million in 2017 whilst Barrymore had paid £392,500 for it in 1998 and was forced to sell it for £802,000 in 2005 to cover costs related to his bankruptcy.
The eight people who went to party on 31st March 2001 who didn’t die. Why won’t any of them tell the truth and why has one of them changed his name?
Jonathan Kenney – a now 53-year-old – was the ‘entertainer’s’ lover at the time of the killing. He is said to now be a coach driver, resides supposedly in Cheshire and has most curiously changed his name. One is left wondering why.
Michael Barrymore disgustingly pretending to be Hitler (left) and victim of rape and murder at his home, Stuart Lubbock (right).
Michael Barrymore pictured rolling around on the floor off-his-skull with the convicted racist bigot Marie-Claire, Baroness von Alvensleben.
Matthew Steeples
Matthew Steeples
A graduate of the London School of Economics, Matthew Steeples is a writer and marketing consultant. He conceived The Steeple Times as a media arena to fill the void between the Mail Online, The Huffington Post and such organs as the New York Social Diary in 2012.


  1. Perhaps more of a Bellend than Belfield. What do you think his motivation was, Matthew? What he did sounds horrific, and the judge agreed; 5 years porridge is a huge sentence for stalking. Why on earth did he do it?

  2. he will go to his grave with the truth but sadly a man never found out how his son ended up dead after a party. Any parent would want to know who loved their kid…forget everything else ..he ended up dead after a party in a house with nobody he knew. Why?

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