Ferne McCann shamelessly attempts to flog £12.95 lip plumping primer on Instagram just as the father of her child is jailed for an acid attack in London
Just as her former boyfriend and father of her child, Arthur Collins, was deservedly jailed for 20 years with an extended licence of 5 years for throwing acid over 22 victims in a nightclub, Ferne McCann inappropriately took to Instagram yesterday to promote a £12.95 lip plumping primer for a company named Project Lip.
McCann – a dimwit whose “glittering career” has included stints on The Only Way Is Essex and This Morning – despite being immediately criticised for her insensitivity then also shared a picture in which she posed with the equally pointless famous-for-nothing James Argent. In doing so, she piled yet more misery on those injured and scarred for life by Collins but no doubt she thought: “Hey ho, I may as well make a little dosh out of all this media attention.”
“Despicable liar” Collins – a sorry excuse for a man identified as being of “low IQ” at his sentencing – will now rightly rot for at least ten years. His actions were sick beyond belief and though Miss McCann cannot be blamed for what this scumbag thug did on 17th April 2017 at the Mangle E8 club in Dalston, London, she should realise that distastefully promoting cheap beauty products just as Collins’ was sentenced is nothing but tremendously tasteless and utterly wrong.
#BoycottProjectLip #ShameOnFerneMcCann
Pictured above – Ferne McCann with “her love” Arthur Collins in Dubai in an identical ‘Killer Candy’ T-shirt to the one he wore whilst throwing acid over the 22 people whose life he forever altered.
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Send her Down Under!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll sort her out and give her a good spanking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yum, yum, yum!!!!!!!!!!!! Gobble, gobble, gobble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She needs my help to get her life back on an even level keel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She really is shameless and brazen and trying to sell beauty products on the back of her former “love” being sent down is low. Think of the scarred for life victims Ferne and realise makeup will never restore them. Disappear.
You cannot defend the indefensible and thus you cannot defend Fern McCann
How do you know Arthur is guilty? It seems like another ridiculous sentence and just like you did with Viscount St Davids you are piling on hurt on to Fern and Arthur’s child. Shame on you for supporting the jailing of loving family men.
Just read on Matthew’s Facebook page that the child of Arthur Collins and Fern McCann is named SUNDAY and that the attack took place on a SUNDAY. I read elsewhere that the child was taken to the prison to visit him already and guess what? Fern McCann has piled even more hell on the victims of this atrocity.
He got injured by the acid he chucked too. A shame he wasn’t really badly injured.
She’s only running her business and trying to feed her baby. She should be encouraged to share more pictures of her plainly lovely life.
She should take herself off Instagram before she makes an even bigger disgrace of herself.
‘Ferne really must learn’ should be the mantra
NOT ‘Ferne really must earn’
Matthew, who IS your reader, “Stacey”? She seems to have upped the ante of daft comments about the in-her-mind-innocence of sex offenders. “How do we know Arthur Collins is guilty?” Lots of witnesses would be your first clue, Stacey.
She is deranged, sick and wrong. Her eyes are no doubt incapable of watching the videos of the cretin Arthur Collins throwing acid over 22 people who went to a club to enjoy themselves and ended up leaving damaged for life. Shame on Stacey.
I wonder if this air head moron would be grinning and pouting her lips if she had had acid thrown in her face? What a coward scum bag to do such a thing. God knows what the victims are thinking when they see her promoting anything, let alone a makeup product. It’s just like rubbing salt in the wound. I can’t believe the company that makes this crap would even condone this, it should be boycotted and taken off the market immediately..
Precisely. The company have a lot to answer for. Close them down and close down Ferne McScam.
Agree with everything you have said, Dodge
Just selfish greedy plastic people living in there big bubble of bullshit. Absolutely no remorse for her boyfriends victims. Any decent person would stay off the publicity radar if they had any human decency. Greedy Bitch!!
Well at least the scum bag got 10 years to think about it as he sucks up his porridge. As far as I’m concerned he should do the whole 20 years, it’s not much of a sentence when you consider the 22 victims, wouldn’t even be a year a piece. He hasn’t got the brains to be rehabilitated or show any remorse. Maybe Stacey could visit him?
Erm has anyone stopped to think that little girl has to grow up knowing her dad dont done that and ferne is just trying to give her a good life! Ferne did not throw that acid for christ sake! get off of her back