Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hannah Harley Young – What’s on your mantelpiece?

A 20-question interview with photographer Hannah Harley Young


The Steeple Times shares “wit and wisdom”. What’s your guiding force?

What you put in, you get out. Work hard and success will follow. My parents always instilled in me the idea of staying hungry. If you’re not hungry for something and you don’t have the passion to achieve, then you will never succeed.


“Don’t get even, get medieval” is, in our humble opinion, a great motto. What’s yours?

Never keep regrets but make lots of mistakes. You can learn from a mistake; regrets prevent you from moving forward.


Kerry Katona was considered unacceptable in 2007. Who or what is unacceptable in 2016?

The Kardashian/Jenner clan. Not just in 2016, but forever.


Tony Blair misses being Prime Minister. What do you miss most in your life?

My godfather, who left this world way too soon for my liking.


What might you swap all your wealth for?

A happy and healthy life.


Donald Trump was once a case of: “If you owe the bank a thousand, they close you down; but if you owe the bank a billion, you own the bank”. What’s your view on the banking crisis?

It’s based on a load of con artists, and we all fell for it.


What phrase or word do you most loathe?

I hate bad grammar. The incorrect use of your, you’re, there and their makes me mad.


In the UK, some people consider charity to “begin at home”. What’s your view and what causes do you personally support?

I am a long time supporter of CLIC Sargent. The work they do and the support they give to families with children battling cancer is incredible. I plan to work a lot with them in the future.


The judge in Law Abiding Citizen states: “I can pretty much do whatever I want” before being blown up whilst answering her mobile phone. What’s your view on the appropriate use of such devices?

Even as a “young” twenty something, I am still getting my head around the power of social media. I confess my phone is pretty much an extension of my hand – as I’m sure it is for most people. This social media explosion really is the future. There will be degrees in it soon.


Photographer Hannah Harley Young – What’s on your mantelpiece?
Rising-star photographer Hannah Harley Young


If you could fill a carriage on The Orient Express, who would be your fellow passengers?

Oscar Wilde, Beyonce, David Bowie, Coco Chanel and Emily Pankhurst. God, what a crowd!


If you were unfortunate enough to end up on death row, what would be your last meal and where would you eat it?

Lebanese food from Maroush. I’d eat at their Kensington branch, Randa, because the manager, John, looks after me whenever I frequent there.


What time is it acceptable to consume the first drink of the day?

Once I’ve finished at the gym. The guilt isn’t as bad then.


A Negroni, a martini or a cup of tea?

A margarita.


Whose parties do you enjoy the most and why?

My own. I throw the meanest house parties.


Who is the most positive person you know?

My oldest and best friend Georgiana. She knows me like no other and provides a lot of positivity during my negative moments.


What’s your most guilty pleasure?

Pickled onion monster munch.


If a tattoo were to sum you up, what would it be of?

The third one I am about to get: The Orion’s Belt star constellation. It’s a sentimental thing I have with my older brother, Danny.


If you were a car, what marque would you be?

An Aston Martin DB9.


Cilla Black presented Surprise, Surprise. Tell us the most surprising thing about you.

If I could do it all again, I’d pay attention more in science classes and study medicine. I’d love to be a plastic surgeon.


What’s currently sitting on your mantelpiece?

My goldfish, JLo, an array of cookery books and a kilo jar of Nutella.


Hannah Harley Young is a portrait and party photographer. She photographs parties around London and internationally whilst also shooting commissioned portraits for private clients, websites, brands and editorial platforms. Follow her on Twitter at @hannahharley and Instagram at @hannahharley.



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    The Steeple Times
    The Steeple Times
    We research and background check our articles. If you believe we have made and error in some detail please get in touch, we seek always to write the truth and stand against a press owned by a self selected few. Please help us, we will accept all your likes, subscriptions and anonymous suport. The Editor and his team at the Steeple Times.


    1. A fun interview. I enjoyed Hannah’s responses. She seems grounded and focused. Well done.

    2. Hannah Harley Young, celebrity photographer, Sloan Ranger, daughter of celebrity photographer Richard Young, (who said you couldn’t inherit talent).


      • Do you have anything positive to say ever?

        Hannah, like her father, works hard and I admire her ability and talent.

        It’d be good to know what you actually do yourself.

        • I’m not quite narcissistic enough, ‘yet’, to hold up my career, wealthy celebrity friends, etc for public adoration. We can’t all be in every fan club, idolising each other !

      • Matthew is very tolerant to allow you to continue to post. I know he has to allow freedom of speech but all you ever say here is rude and offensive. Goodness knows what else you added but I think you should be banished. #JustSaying

        • No ‘freedom of speech has been stopped here’. I said that it isn’t what you know these days, it’s who you know that counts. I expect this will be ‘edited’ again.

    3. “What’s on your mantelpiece?” can offer an interesting insight to the lives of others. Sometimes real and sensitive. Others full of braggadocio or, as in the case of the conman McLoughlin, pure Walter Mitty.

      I wonder what your recurrent “wally of the week” might say?

      Mr Dolt: What’s on your mantelpiece?
      A 20-question interview with a pathetic Aussie

      The Steeple Times shares “wit and wisdom”. What’s your guiding force?
      More hits on my site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      “Don’t get even, get medieval” is, in our humble opinion, a great motto. What’s yours?
      “Foolish minds will entertain you, but confused minds will irritate you.”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Kerry Katona was considered unacceptable in 2007. Who or what is unacceptable in 2016?

      Tony Blair misses being Prime Minister. What do you miss most in your life?
      Having anyone who likes and respects me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      What might you swap all your wealth for?
      A vocabulary and a sense of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

      Donald Trump was once a case of: “If you owe the bank a thousand, they close you down; but if you owe the bank a billion, you own the bank”. What’s your view on the banking crisis?
      Smash them with a wrecking ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      What phrase or word do you most loathe?
      “Rod you’re a pathetic, unfunny idiot!”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      In the UK, some people consider charity to “begin at home”. What’s your view and what causes do you personally support?
      SFI affiliates is the only thing I support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      The judge in Law Abiding Citizen states: “I can pretty much do whatever I want” before being blown up whilst answering her mobile phone. What’s your view on the appropriate use of such devices?
      I don’t use them because nobody wants to have anything to do with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If you could fill a carriage on The Orient Express, who would be your fellow passengers?
      My pet koala bear, Jimmy Savile, my psychiatrist, Matthew Steeples and Peter Wayde

      If you were unfortunate enough to end up on death row, what would be your last meal and where would you eat it?
      An Aussie pie at the bus station!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

      What time is it acceptable to consume the first drink of the day?
      As soon as the bottle store is open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      A Negroni, a martini or a cup of tea?
      A stubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Whose parties do you enjoy the most and why?
      Never get invited to parties. So I don’t know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Who is the most positive person you know?
      Matthew Steeples. He’s the only friend I’ve got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      What’s your most guilty pleasure?
      The exclamation key on my laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If a tattoo were to sum you up, what would it be of?
      An red wanger, because I’m known as an irritating prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If you were a car, what marque would you be?
      A Trabant. Smelly, cheap, underpowered, clapped out and disliked by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Cilla Black presented Surprise, Surprise. Tell us the most surprising thing about you.
      I have a miniscule wanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      What’s currently sitting on your mantelpiece?
      My photograph, a log of the number of ‘hits’ I get. And my ‘Onanist of the year’ award for 1998!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      MR DOLT is a pathetic Australian gallah based in Melbourne. Shunned by his fellow countrymen and is woefully ignorant of any place outside of Australia.

    4. Glenmore,
      Sheer, undiluted genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( if you will excuse the contagion of !!)
      The sad part is it will go straight over the head of the idiot, Rod.
      I wonder if a psychiatrist can offer any explanation as to why Rod, who admits he has never travelled beyond Australia, would have any interest in what goes on in London.

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