Russian born Max Hammet-Millay has benefitted from all the privileges of being welcomed to Britain; he now wants to pull up the drawbridge and joined the attack on Anna Soubry MP on Monday
In 2000, an infant named Max was plucked from an orphanage in Ulyanovsk in Russia by two gay men from Islington, London. They had already taken another boy, Renat, from the same place two years earlier.
Glenn Hammett and Keith Millay adopted ‘Max Hammett-Millay’ – as he became – and gave him a £23,000 per year education at the DLD College in Westminster. The boy subsequently studied biology at the University of Portsmouth and reportedly now lives in Camden Town, but sadly it seems Hammett and Millay came to regret their decision to bring him to Britain.

In 2017, in an interview for the Daily Mail about his experiences with his two sons, Hammett announced: “There are moments I wish I hadn’t [adopted Max].” He detailed the behavioural problems of both of their sons and yesterday the very same paper revealed: “One of the yobs who called Anna Soubry a ‘Nazi’ and a ‘traitor’ is a private-school educated former Jeremy Corbyn supporter.”
Hammett-Millay, pictures confirm, was indeed amongst the “mob” who surrounded the Conservative MP and Remain supporter on Monday outside the Houses of Parliament and show him wearing a ‘Trump 2020’ baseball cap. He later took to Facebook to share an image of Soubry complete with a drawn-on Hitler moustache but bizarrely, in spite of attending an anti-austerity rally carrying a ‘Jeremy Corbyn for PM’ placard in 2016, has described the Labour leader as a “moron” also.
Plainly Max Hammett-Millay is nothing but a confused, spoilt brat and a wannabe Katie Hopkins. He should calm himself and learn to behave with a little more civility.
Some example of Max Hammett-Millay’s offensive posts from his social media pages follow.
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He is a prat and a hypocrite. Pair him up with Cassandra Fairbanks and they’d breed something truly repugnant.