Monday, February 17, 2025

Child Abuse

Rot In Hell Rolf – Rolf Harris Should Only Be Remembered As A Nasty Nonce

As his death is announced, Matthew Steeples joins those hoping that rotten Rolf Harris goes to rot in hell; his innocent victims – as young as just 7 years old – can now have the closure they so deserve.

Will Any Epstein-Maxwell Associates Finally Be Brought To Justice?

Matthew Steeples reports on the latest developments concerning the Ponzi scheming paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and the mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell and shares new news of which ‘famous faces’ will likely be ‘sacrificed’

Moron of the Moment 2023 – Pugnacious Pillock Phillip Schofield

As pugnacious pillock Phillip Schofield’s brother is found guilty and named and shamed as a paedophile, Matthew Steeples calls for this queue jumping utter plonker to be finally cancelled.

The Monsters – Epstein-Maxwell Saga Further Unravels…

As the Epstein-Maxwell saga continues to unravel, Matthew Steeples looks at the forthcoming fallout for ‘The Monsters’ linked including Prince Andrew, Steve Bannon, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Jes Staley.

A Question Of Fergie – Did Sarah, Duchess of York Ever Repay Loans Taken From Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

As dimwitted dunce Sarah, Duchess of York again leaps to the defence of ropey ratbag Prince Andrew, we again ask ‘Feckless Fergie’ if she ever repaid loans taken from the croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein; it is time for some answers.

UnAppealing Ghislaine – Will Wicked Wench Ghislaine Maxwell Succeed At Appeal?

As mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell gets a new appeal lawyer in spite of owing a fortune to her previous representatives, journalist Daphne Barak PR peddles for her after posing for pictures with the feckless fool that is the ultimate grifter, Sarah, Duchess of York.

Down The Rancid Rabbit Hole – Ghislaine Maxwell Saga Widens

A year on from her conviction, the rabbit hole that is the story of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein and their victims widens with new lawsuits on the horizon and new troubles for Prince Andrew also.

A Question Of Clinton – Bill Clinton Quizzed About Involvement With Evil Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein

As sex abuse victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre concludes matters with lawyer Alan Dershowitz with a very clear “dismissed with prejudice and without costs or award of fees to either party” agreement, Bill Clinton gets questioned about his involvement with croaked paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Taking Everyone Down Maxwell Style

Prince Andrew’s second cousin calls out Daphne Barak’s ‘interviews’ with mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell as “self-serving” and her way of “taking everyone down with her.”

Cancerous Rolf Harris – Evil Paedophile ‘Entertainer’ “Gravely Sick”

Rotten-to-his-core convicted paedophile ‘entertainer’ Rolf Harris may have cancer, but his refusal to apologise to his multiple victims speaks volumes as to his continuing vileness In August, it was announced that the nonagenarian nonce Rolf...

More Mess For Murky Mucky Maxwell – Saga Never Ends

The Maxwell mess continues… Ghislaine Maxwell trial commentator for CNN Page Peter drowns in Georgia as Jeffrey Epstein whistleblower Maria Farmer curiously claims she was planning to move in with his Ponzi scheming “mentor” Steven Hoffenberg before his death; separately Maxwell gets sued by another of her former lawyers.

Organic Vegetable Maxwell – Rotten-To-Her-Core Ghislaine Maxwell Moves Jail

As mucky madam Ghislaine Maxwell is moved to a low security prison in Florida where prisoners will supposedly likely “hate” her, PR peddler Jay Beecher’s ‘The Maxwell Files’ website bizarrely starts promoting organic vegetables in Sussex and lists stories about this anything but wholesome criminal as “recipes.”

Ghislaine Maxwell – The Prison Diaries

As convicted mucky madam nonce Ghislaine Maxwell begins her 20-year jail sentence, it is not surprising that no prisoners want to share a dorm with her; her prison diaries will deservedly make for grim reading.

Maximum Maxwell – 55-Year Sentence For Grubby Groper Ghislaine Maxwell

Prosecutors rightly demand mucky madam sex offender Ghislaine Maxwell gets maximum 55 years in the clink and thus likely deservedly dies there; they also want the deviant liar to pay the maximum £615,000 fine and call out her spreading “horror stories” about her incarceration as “unfounded.”

Mimimum Maxwell – Ghislaine Maxwell Laughably Wants 4 Years

As Ghislaine Maxwell faces 30 years in prison, her lawyers have ludicrously countered suggesting she should serve just 4 years; her few “remaining friends” and family laughably blub about the mucky madam being a “fundamentally good and decent person” who “still has much to contribute to the world if she is given a meaningful opportunity to do so.”

Cash, Rockets & Mucky Madams 2022

As Ghislaine Maxwell’s former business partner Jemma Kidd takes part in a car rally that raises money for victims of sex trafficking, we again call out the ridiculous vanity project of rich-not-robust women that is Cash & Rocket.

Hero of the Hour 2022 – Tate Modern Tragedy Boy

Then 6-year-old French boy thrown from the 10th floor of the Tate Modern by a then 17-year-old monster in 2019 amazes with remarkable progress and is deservedly lauded as a “little knight.”

Stop Nonsensical Madeleine McCann Search – £14m Wasted

In the week that Madeleine McCann would have turned 19, Matthew Steeples suggests it is now time to put a stop to the nonsensical investigation into a child that likely never went “missing.”