Vogue journalist Virginia van Zanten gets in a fluster over “how to dine like Will and Kate”
There’s journalism and then there’s tripe journalism. This week, Vogue published the latter when their columnist Virginia van Zanten shared her thoughts on “how to dine like Will and Kate” (as she so endearingly calls the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge).
Patronising in a way only an American working for Anna Wintour could muster, the short feature is both inaccurate and ridiculous at the same time. It suggests the heir to the throne and his wife hang out at KX gym in Chelsea with the transplants from Monaco and offers the somewhat staid favourite of the moneyed classes from Essex, Mosimann’s, as another of their favourite dining places.
“Few openly praise their club, which would be embarrassingly keen”, muses van Zanten before stating that “the vegan Cobb salad (at KX, of course) is much more delicious than it has any right to be”. Weirdly, she then adds: “When you come through town, your club is a place to meet friends, have lunch, or sit undisturbed for hours on end, knitting that floor-length cape you never have time for”.
Van Zanten also finds space to mention how to pronounce KX (it’s “kicks”, of course). Someone, instead, should have just told her not to bother. They’d have done better if they’d just kicked her pointless article into touch.
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Journalists no longer have research budgets and consequently sh*t articles like the one by poor, deluded Virginia get published.
She looks very hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Virginia that is)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More articles like this please chuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone should go Nuclear on Anna over this bull!
oh do grow up, you Antipodean bore
“Knitting that floor length cape you never have time for?” In a club? God Americans are weird. She genuinely must be on acid.
Obviously she was not Eaton educated 🙂
Neither Eton College nor Eaton Square, I’m sure Jose!