Architecture student turns a bus into a travelling talking point
A young man named Hank Butitta is someone who will doubtless inspire many. He bought an old bus as his final project for his thesis and turned it into a travelling cabin where people can eat, drink and sleep. He’s now taking it on a month long, 5,000 mile journey across America and using it to raise a discussion about living a more simple life and the Tiny House Movement.

Butitta paid $3,000 for the bus on Craigslist and spent $6,000 transforming it into a 225 square foot mobile home divided to include a bathroom, a kitchen and seating and sleeping areas.
This passionate and talented architecture student has documented his project on a blog named and is now updating followers on a daily basis.
The American poet Muriel Rukeyser once said: “The journey is my home”. Hank Butitta is most definitely living by this mantra and we wish him all the best on his epic journey.
All photographs © Justin Evidon:
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yup it’s not about the destination. it’s the journey. that’s what they tell people who never get anywhere.