Racism has no place in football just as it has no place in any workplace anywhere
On Sunday, The Sunday Mirror published a feature on three Leicester City Football Club players were filmed partaking in a sex orgy in Thailand. During the footage, the teammates used racist language and frankly brought not only themselves, but also football into disrepute.

Given that Leicester City is owned by the Duty Free billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha and his son Aiyawatt – themselves Thai by origin – and that their club is sponsored by the Tourism Authority of Thailand, not only were there actions offensive, they were also potentially damaging to their employer.
Of the antics of Tom Hopper, James Pearson and Adam Smith, one of Thailand’s most famous former football players, commented:
“This incident is unforgivable for a professional footballer because if you’re a professional footballer you usually sign a contract which says you’re forbidden to do certain things. The professional footballer must be able to concentrate, be confident, have vision and be responsible and have discipline and should not act badly in public”.
Hopper, Pearson and Smith have since apologised, but this is not enough. There is no place for racism in any workplace and it will send nothing but the wrong signal if this trio of bigots are not anything other than promptly sacked.
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Thank goodness you covered up what was going on on that bed!!!!!!! What dirty buggers!!!!!!!
I hear Eva The Diva is looking for new ways of entertaining herself now she’s been banned from so many party venues. She should give these boys a call.
What utter bollocks. The players are free to do whatever they like in their spare time including getting it on with women. And the accusation that it’s racist to shag women from a different culture is a joke! Nowhere in a contract does it say you can’t fornicate. Pathetic article.
I agree. Anyway, the Thai’s are blatantly racists and would consider these footballers to be lower than the low.
And on the subject of Vichai…he bought a lovely red brick house in Hans Place and promptly painted it icing sugar white. To make matters worse he had King Power Duty Free plastered over the builders hoarding. Dreadful little man.
I see the bore Rod is still refusing to answer my questions. I wonder if Matthew has a view on him.
He is, undoubtedly, rummaging through his colouring books to find words sufficient to compose an answer.