Monday, December 2, 2024
HomeTHE FOGEU politics

EU politics

From Loser To Lord – Should Shameless Shaun Bailey Be Elevated To House of Lords?

Though Tory twerp Shaun Bailey got away with partying with billionaire Nick Candy during the 2020 lockdowns, that this ludicrous loser and electoral disaster area might now get a seat in the House of Lords courtesy of his chum Boris Johnson is utterly outrageous.

Review – Bloody Difficult Women

Matthew Steeples reviews ‘Bloody Difficult Women’ – a play about Brexit, Theresa May, Gina Miller and struggle and sacrifice– and finds it relevant as we face the ongoing fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the EU and as Putin’s tanks roll into Ukraine.

The Return of the Yellow Card 2021

Nikolay Kalinin analyses the reasons behind the Liberal Democrats’ success in the 2021 Chesham and Amersham by-election; is Boris Johnson about to suffer further at the hands of the ‘yellow peril’?

Moron of the Moment – Madeline Grant

“I don’t hack, I just have a great rack” rent-a-gob Madeline Grant’s attack on Gina Miller is uncalled for and below the standard of what one expects from ‘The Telegraph’