Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeTHE FOGTory Scum

Tory Scum

‘Dirty Harry’ Helps ‘Bury Bad News’ – Shocking Jo Moore 9/11 Tactics Follow #HarryTheInterview

As the world media focus on ‘Dirty Harry’s’ disgraceful interviews, Westminster seizes an opportunity to “bury bad news” about MPs outrageous outside earnings and most especially Theresa May’s £2.5 million pay topup since the last election.

From Loser To Lord – Should Shameless Shaun Bailey Be Elevated To House of Lords?

Though Tory twerp Shaun Bailey got away with partying with billionaire Nick Candy during the 2020 lockdowns, that this ludicrous loser and electoral disaster area might now get a seat in the House of Lords courtesy of his chum Boris Johnson is utterly outrageous.