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Margaret Burke

Margaret Burke Neo Nazi Labour Diane Abbott Jeremy Corbyn FI

Margaret Burke, a former Neo-Nazi supporting HMP Holloway jailbird turned one-time Labour Party councillor, happily hung around with hypocrites Diane Abbott, Jeremy Corbyn and Caroline Flint; will she get a ‘photo op’ with the drippy dope Sir Keir Starmer during General Election 2024?

The Tories may have a former member of the IRA as a councillor in Croydon in the form of Maria Gatland, but Labour proudly featured a convicted Neo Nazi racist jailbird and hunt saboteur on one of their party’s websites in the late 2010s.


Elected as a councillor in Milton Keynes in 2012 in spite of having previously dressed in Nazi-style uniforms and also having recruited youths to daub buildings with swastikas, Margaret Burke – pictured above with fellow hypocrite, gypsy basher Diane Abbott MP – was a member of a repugnant group known as the November 9th Society in the early 1980s. Today, instead, this wicked wastrel claims to “look after hedgehogs and birds and anything else that comes her way.”

Whilst a councillor, this anything but innocent “bit of a berk” also neglected to mention her time in Her Majesty’s Prison Holloway for vandalising a butcher’s shop whilst a member of the Animal Liberation Front. Bombastic bore Burke, however, was prepared to share that she “held surgeries for one hour per week for her constituents every Friday evening.”


In the context of this Labour loon, don’t mention the war and don’t mention her friendliness with not only Abbott, but also her disgraceful ex-lover, Jeremy Corbyn. He was happy to pose for a picture with her in 2016 even.


One now has to ask: “Will the super fan of the bombastic bigot ‘Nasty Nat’ Natalie Elphicke and all-round drippy dope Sir Keir Starmer be seeking out Margaret Burke for a ‘photo op’ during the General Election 2024 campaign?” Shame on anyone who associates with this vile piece of toe rag.


Editor’s note – Unlike as is the case in many publications, this article was NOT sponsored or supported by a third-party. Follow Matthew Steeples on Twitter at @M_Steeples and watch his current nightly show on YouTube at 8.30pm daily.


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Of the one-time Neo Nazi Margaret Burke, the now ex-Labour MP The Right Honourable Caroline Flint once shockingly enthused: “Margaret has been a community activist for some time and also runs a wildlife hospital and as you can imagine is very well known. Relatively new to the Labour Party she has taken to knocking on doors like a duck to water. Out in groups but also alone, Margaret is clocking up her target vote. She is an inspiration to those who avoid the doorstep.” If she’d been around when they were in power, might Caroline Flint – a woman bizarrely endorsed in 2019 as “first rate” by Boris Johnson – have lauded Stalin, Mussolini or Hitler perhaps also?
Two mental maniacs come together… Dimwitted dunce Diane Abbott was happy to be snapped with the ex-Neo Nazi and since ex-Labour councillor in April 2012 in Milton Keynes. Excusing her previous antics, another Milton Keynes Labour councillor, Kevin Wilson, pathetically bleated of a woman who, along with her [then] husband [Terry Flynn], “wore Nazi-style uniforms and recruited gangs of local youths to hand out racist leaflets and daub buildings with swastikas”: “We were aware of Margaret’s past and we questioned her at length. We had no doubt at all that her misdemeanours of 20 or 30 years ago were serious matters but I do not believe that somebody should be punished or penalised for what they did such a long time ago.”
The ex-jailbird Margaret Burke grinned like a Cheshire cat when she got herself into a snap with Jeremy Corbyn in 2016. At the time, according to ‘Guido Fawkes,’ the then Labour leader was quoted as telling her: “Thank you very much for all the hard work you have done.” One can only wonder if this wicked woman gifted him a swastika in return.


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