Born in Hungary and raised in France, the Marchioness of Bath has been described as a “soft porn actress” as well as a war correspondent and a journalist. In September 2015, she told The Sunday Times’ Camilla Long that she tolerates her husband’s “wifelets” (she termed them “girlfriends”) but believes her son to be a “misguided… poor little rich boy [who has] slurred [his own parents]”. She went on to add of her husband: “He’s like Dostoevsky’s The Idiot. I don’t mean [he] is an idiot. Dostoevsky’s idiot is not an idiot, just a very good man easily taken by people and advised the wrong way, giving things when he shouldn’t have given things. Naïve”. Of her, her husband once commented: “[She’s a] fantasist”. Bring on the happy family.
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