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Denting Dent Coad

Denting Dent Coad – Shame on Emma Dent Coad MP – Emma Dent Coad MP shown as and exposed as a pro-Brexit charlatan; we urge readers in Kensington to back Lib Dems instead.

Emma Dent Coad MP shown to be insensitive and exposed as a pro-Brexit charlatan; we urge readers in Kensington to back the Liberal Democrats instead

The Member of Parliament for Kensington, Emma Dent Coad, has a majority of just 20.


Given an easy ride because her predecessor, the unctuous Lady ‘Call Me Victoria’ Borwick, was a supporter of the ivory trade and the mother of the chief technology officer of Vote Leave, Dent Coad was until now lauded by some as doing “good local work” for her constituents.


With The Sunday Telegraph today sharing news that “grieving families” of the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy have “turned on” Dent Coad for “refusing to condemn [the] London Fire Brigade over its handling of the disaster,” comes also a suggestion that “if there is a backlash [it] could derail” her.


Of Ms Dent Coad, Flora Neda, whose husband “jumped to his death rather than be burnt alive” in the inferno, told the paper:


“Emma Dent Coad did not really answer my questions or engage with me at the meeting.”


“She said she hadn’t yet decided her position… but already in Parliament she had given complete support to the firefighters.”


“I don’t think she had actually really heard the voices of the next of kin. My feeling was that she did not really want to hear any criticism about the firefighters. It’s blind support. That’s not good for us because we lost our loved ones and we have a right to expect justice.”


Elsewhere, the ridiculous “royal hater” Ms Dent Coad – a woman who has previously failed to answer questions from The Steeple Times –has been given an easy ride over her stance on Brexit. Described in some quarters completely wrongly as a “remainer” – in spite of her “hard-left” Corbyn-esque stances – in a constituency that voted 69% to stay in the EU, we repeat our call for honesty from this totally untrustworthy Labour MP. It is time she made her position clear and we join those urging the residents of Kensington to vote instead for Sam Gyimah, the ex-Tory turned Liberal Democrat candidate.


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The Steeple Times today backs Sam Gyimah as the man to vote for in Kensington.
Meanwhile, Lady Borwick was pictured pointing her finger on Sky News on Saturday.
Pro-Brexiteer Felicity ‘Call Me Flicka’ Buchan, the Conservative candidate and replacement for the perfectly ridiculous Lady Borwick, is a perfectly nice woman, but she is a totally unsuitable to represent a pro-Remain constituency.
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