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Blocking Betsy

Blocking Betsy DeVos

Donald Trump begs supporters to help him stop his whack-job, wannabe bear killer education secretary nominee, Betsy DeVos, being blocked


In an email to supporters Saturday, ‘Trump Headquarters’ begged supporters to sign a petition of support for President Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos.


In the missive, which shared the news that Democrats are just one vote away from blocking DeVos’s appointment, though it is suggested that “Betsy has dedicated her life to fighting for greater education opportunities for children”, no reference is made to the fact that she has no degree, no teaching experience, never attended university and believes in only Christian-based education.


No mention is made either of the Republican mega-donor having lauded the idea of guns being kept in schools to “protect [children] from potential grizzlies” (grizzly bears) and her recent inability to answer questions on basic education policies, including proficiency versus growth.


Aside from warmongering, white supremacist Steve Bannon and fake massacre inventing, ‘alternative truth’ believing Kellyanne Conway, Mrs DeVos truly is one of the worst of Trump’s choices thus far. She truly deserves to be stopped.


#GodHelpAmerica #DumpBetsyDeVos #DumpTheTrump


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