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Blown Out Cheap In Chelsea

Blown Out Cheap In Chelsea – Cheap studio flat in Chelsea, SW10 – First floor flat in Redcliffe Gardens, Chelsea, London, SW10 for sale for just £150,000 in spite of having a 61 year lease; the street was made famous in The Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’ – Offered by May & Co.

First floor flat in Redcliffe Gardens, Chelsea for sale for just £150,000 in spite of having a 61 year lease; the street was made famous in a song by The Beatles

A flat in Redcliffe Gardens, Chelsea, SW10, the street where the man “who blew his mind out in a car” in the lyrics of A Day in the Life by The Beatles on 18th December 1966, is for sale for just £150,000 ($178,000, €162,000 or درهم653,000) in spite of being on a perfectly adequate 61 year lease.


The first floor studio offered does, however, come with an inevitable catch. It is unmortgageable due to having a protected occupant and is in need of complete renovation. Selling agents May & Co. state: “[Updating] would not be possible due to the sitting tenant.”


On the upside, the buyer will get £375 per month ($444, €405 or درهم1,631 per month) or £4,500 per year ($5,300, €4,900 or درهم19,500 per year) in rent and if and when the tenant departs, will see a likely significant uplift in value.


The 21-year-old man in question in the lyrics? He was a Dublin-born heir to the Guinness brewery fortune named Tara Browne. A friend of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, Browne crashed his Lotus Elan into a parked van whilst driving  at around 106 miles per hourwith his model girlfriend, Suki Potier. He was under the influence of alcohol and drugs and died the following day.


A Day in the Life

He blew his mind out in a car

He didn’t notice that the lights had changed

A crowd of people stood and stared

They’d seen his face before

Nobody was really sure

If he was from the House of Lords


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Tara Browne pictured in the Lotus Elan.
His car after the accident.
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