Have the billionaire Clive Palmer’s ridiculous plans to recreate the Titanic sunk without a trace?
As the larger than life Australian billionaire and federal member for Fairfax Clive Palmer announced he is bizarrely set to headline a poetry festival on the 30th August, one has to wonder if his verse will touch on what happened to his ludicrous plans to recreate the Titanic.
When Palmer first mooted his “vision” to recreate what he tastelessly described as “a ship of dreams” in 2013, he was rightly mocked and criticised for a publicity stunt of very poor taste. 1,502 tragic souls were los when the original Titanic sank in April 1912 and that anybody would want to replicate such a disaster was nothing other than odd.
Palmer, who believes President Obama and the CIA are responsible for the ills of Australia’s mining industry, planned to launch his vessel in 2016 but as of today, the website dedicated to what he named ‘Titanic II’ has not been updated in over a year. The ‘Blue Star Line’ trademark registered for the vessel was listed as abandoned in March and thus, it seems, my heart, indeed won’t go on.
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